How to save money
Check every receipt at shops. Rather save than buy on credit.
Check interest rates, always pay a bit more in every month for credit items, have a saving account that you cannot touch e.g. 30 day call account
These Tips are used in every day life to consciously make money saving decisions in everything that you do
- When purchasing from a shop also check your receipt matches what you have purchased. If something is on special make sure that the price is reflected at the till. Many times stores will not have the special on their system and charge you the normal price.
- When buying on credit always check the interest rate and shop around. The internet is a great place to request quote that doesn’t cost you money. Request call backs.
- Rather save up for a non-essential purchase than buy it on credit as this will save you a lot of money in interest that you could rather save or spend on other things.
- Always save money each month. If you cannot save the required amount put something into saving even if is a small amount.
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